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Dr. Sandra Boihmane
Alicja Wawryniuk
Paiman Davarifard
Herausgeber - Publisher
Dipl.-Psych. Paiman Maria Davarifard
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Aktuell Sommer 2016 # XII
A Photo Exhibition
image: Berlin is for Lovers" Photo Exhibition by the impossible Project Lab Berlin vernissage August 4, 2016.
A Photo Exhibition
Reportage by: Dipl.-Psych. Paiman Maria Davarifard
Presented by: The Impossible Project Lab Berlin
August 4th- August 26th 2016
"BERLIN IS FOR LOVERS is a first group exhibition of artists of instant photography. It reveals the people of Berlin as their most authentic selves - daring to be expressive, intimate and erotic in times of fear, repression and speculation. Far from an idealized, perfected vision, these works capture the sense of freedom to love and exist that make Berlin so special, in such messy, explicit, beautifully unique ways. Candid stories of Love in all its forms, as told on skin and instant film by a selection of Berlin - Based Photographers. Photos that embody the subtle electricity of desire, the connective traces of Tenderness".
Jessica López
Photography Editor
The Impossible Project lab Berlin
image: Katja Sonnewend betrachtet die eigene photographische Kunst bei der Vernissage der Ausstellung "Berlin is for Lovers" foto:©
image: ©Jessica Wolfelsperger The Impossible Project Lab 2016 "BERLIN IS FOR LOVERS"
image: ©Pepper Levain The Impossible Project Lab 2016 "BERLIN IS FOR LOVERS"
Visitos of the "Berlin is for Lovers" Photo Exhibition by the impossible Project Lab Berlin vernissage August 4, 2016.foto:©
"ich gehöre zu der Szene und wurde einfach zu der Vernissage eingeladen!" Vera Kochubey Visual Artist bei "Berlin is for Lovers" The impossible Project Lab Berlin.foto:©
With a ray of modern international photographers and filmmakers like:
Katja Sonnewend: photographer, born in Poznań, Poland, Master of Arts, NL Jessica Wolfelsperger: Swiss artist/photographer, Pepper Levain: photographer, Matt Lambert: filmmaker and photographer, Oliver Mark: star photographer, the group exhibition "Berlin is for Lovers" is a reflection of the present way of understanding, practicing and representing the notion of love and sexuality in the multi cultural soceity of Berlin.
Transxexuality, drag, romantic emotions and eroticism observed and interpreted through the art of photography by the artists can be ragarded also as a cut of a small profile of socio-cultural, socio-sexual and also individual habits and behavours in Berlin. Where the arts of sexuality in all its forms (homo, trans, bizzar, fetish, SM, etc.) as trends of body-culture and body-identity become also a kind of mainstream by themselves and lose their attraction of being "different" and "special", it is a new opportunity for the art, to ask a society for its present way of falling in love, making love and understanding love in its differnet facets like eros, agape, philia or caritas.
image: Christin Quander bei der Vernissage "Berlin is for Lovers" 4. August 2016- Bild im Hintergrund von ©Katja Sonnewend. foto:© - "ich fotografiere selber analog und liebe diese Optik, das Gefühl dieser Zeit. Polas vermitteln dieses Momentum fließend, einzigartig, unperfekt. Ich kenne katja und ihre Arbeit gut, seit einigen Jahre und bin ein echter Fan." Christin Quander Schauspielerin & Moderatorin in Berlin
So lovers are not necesserily obliged to be erotic partners sharing their body and lust with each other. Who is loved and who is beloved? The artists use Polaroid films which make it possible to have an instant reavealing image of the way "lovers are", the way they look like and the way they are as being transfered on a piece of paper as they were experiencing love vs. the way they felt and understood themselves and their lovers in reality. Do they (captured lovers) identify themselves with their image?
How do they feel when they observe their own loving body, or parts of it, on an image? Were they influnced by the artists to make special poses? Did they play just a game for the photographers? Was is authentic love? Was it a sick love? Was it a perverted love? Was it just a sexual attraction? Was it a hurting love? and how do they remember later about the way they were during the photo shoot. Which "Cultures of Loving" is being presented?
The art of interpretation of a phenomenon through the camera, if film or photography, is allways influenced by the human eyes. Is it a projection or is it real?
But one is real. Whatever happend during this photo project, it happened apparently in Berlin.
Paiman Maria Davarifard
imagofeminae Editorial
image: ©Katja Sonnewend The Impossible Project Lab 2016 "BERLIN IS FOR LOVERS"